DIN 82 Knurling, standard by Deutsches Institut Fur Normung E.V. (German National Standard), published on Jan. 01, 1973.

There are generally two different types of knurling process: cut knurling and form knurling. Each of these processes has its own particular areas of application with correlated properties:

 RAA 0º   RBL 45º   RBL 30º   RBR 45º   RBR 30º   
knurl with axially parallel groovesleft-hand knurl, spiral angle 30 degreesleft-hand knurl, spiral angle 45 degreesright-hand knurl, spiral angle 30 degreesright-hand knurl, spiral angle 45 degrees 



 RGE 30º   RGE 45º   RGV 30º   RGV 45º   RKE   RKV  
left-right knurl, spiral angle 30 degrees, points raisedleft-right-hand knurl, spiral angle 30 degrees, left-right-hand knurl, points raisedleft-right-hand knurl, points indentedleft-right-hand knurl, points indented, 45 degreescross-hatched knurl, points raised, 90 degreescross-hatched knurl, points indented, 90 degrees


Ref: How to control the tolerance after knurling?

Form knurling

• The external diameter of the workpiece will be increased.

• It will compress the surface of the workpiece.

• Not recommended for thin materials.

• Form knurling on workpieces with a small diameter is possible to result in slightly plastic deformation on its end, as mentioned previously in “Diamond Knurling Operation on CNC Lathe”.

• The CNC lathe is subjected to a greater load due to the higher pressure.

• Slower cutting speed and feed rate, compared to cutting knurling.

Cut knurling

• Maximum precision and surface quality

• Can be used for knurling thin materials without deformation

• Saves time on account of higher cutting speed and feed rate

• Compatible with virtually any material, including cast iron and plastic

• Cutting process with less loading protects the top end CNC lathe.

• No or minimal changes to the external workpiece diameter.

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